Visual Studio Code a great source code editor tool developed by Microsoft and available across windows, Linux, macOS, Visual Studio Code is based on Electron, Visual Studio Code is based on Electron (a javascript framework) and is the best choice when you’d prefer having a highly productive, multi purpose and extension-rich source code editor at present Here, in this post, we will have a list of top 10 best visual studio extension

Best Visual Studio Extension for 2017

1. Beautify

Beautify one of the most popular Visual Studio Code extensions of all time, it let you beautify your HTML, CSS, Javascript code with beautiful indents for better code readability and code management, it can be accessed from the Command Palette(F1) and type Beautify file or using keyboard shortcut “cmd+b”

ext install beautify

2. HTML CSS Support

HTML CSS Support is not so popular with roughly around 4Lackhs+ downloads, but this is very handy useful extension for adding support of Missing CSS for Html files, which helps in class and id attribution completion and it auto scans workspace for the CSS and SCSS files and it supports remote CSS files too, which saves a lot of time.

ext install vscode-html-css

3. Path Intellisense

Visual Studio Code plugin that auto-completes filenames, so we have easy and time-saving functionality when we include any links such as javascript, image, CSS files

ext install path-intellisense

4. new-cmd

new-cmd helps use to Launch a new command line that targets the current workspace which comes very handy when we work with the web application which is based on Node.js and Laravel

ext install new-cmd

5. Auto Close Tag

This functionality helps us by Automatically add HTML/XML close tag, same as Visual Studio IDE or Sublime Text does.
which helps a bit while we forget sometimes to close the tag and think why our code doesn’t work

ext install auto-close-tag

6. Angular 2+ Snippets

For those who find hard to write each time the same code such as syntax for Angular 2, this extension comes handy as it supports over 126 Angular 2+ Snippets ( Supports Angular 2 and Angular 4) has Snippets which include TypeScript, Html, ngRx, Angular Flex Layout & Testing

ext install Angular-BeastCode

7. Duplicate action

The duplicate action is a must-have extension for those who want to duplicate the file and folders inside the workspace.

ext install vscode-duplicate

8. Live Sass Compiler

This extension is fairly new in the marketplace but Extension helps you to compile/transpile your SASS/SCSS files to CSS files at real-time with live browser reload. (It Supports Bootstrap 4 too)

ext install live-sass

9. Settings Sync

Settings Sync is one of the most popular extension in recent times which Synchronize Settings, Snippets, Themes, File Icons, Launch, Keybindings, Workspaces, and Extensions Across Multiple Machines Using GitHub Gist.

ext install code-settings-sync

10. Git History (git log)

The Developers who work on GIT Source Control, this is must have extension which helps to be more productive when working on git, this helps to view log, compare files with the previous version and much more

ext install githistory
These are my List of Best Visual Studio Extension, let me know you’re in the comment section below, Are there any other extensions that are worth position in the list?


CJTampa · July 19, 2017 at 7:09 pm

Good stuff! Thanks for the info.

    amitk · July 20, 2017 at 12:12 pm

    You’re Welcome 🙂

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